Greenhouse CBD Flowers

We offer you 23 products Greenhouse CBD Flowers

Grown in the ground and protected from the vagaries of the weather by the greenhouse, the Greenhouse CBD flowers combine the advantages of Indoor (indoor) and Outdoor (outdoor) growing. Rigorously selected from growers in France, Italy and Switzerland, the Greenhouse CBD flowers we offer make excellent infusions, concentrated vaping liquids and cooking ingredients with raw flavours and character.

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Type of flower

In UK, CBD has largely found its audience

The undisputed star of wellness products, CBD is now favoured by some 7 million consumers according to figures from the Interprofession des métiers du chanvre. It has to be said that the molecule ticks all the right boxes: an organic taste with characterful flavours and natural aromas, a wide choice on how to consume it, interesting benefits for quality of life on a daily basis, a variety of plants depending on the effect and aromas sought, (often) environmentally friendly production when buds germinate in the sun, etc.

More than a feel-good molecule, CBD expresses exceptional organoleptic properties and concentrates the characteristics of its environment: soil quality, temperature, variety of plant grown, bud, growing method (indoor or Indoor, outdoor or Outdoor, Greenhouse or greenhouse), etc. Of all the forms of CBD, cannabidiol leaves and flowers are the most popular with consumers in UK. It must be said that this natural mode of consumption shines through its versatility: herbal teas, infusions, vaping liquids, ingredients in cooking, CBD flowers and leaves for smoking, etc.

Beyond price and versatility, CBD leaves and flowers are the preferred mode of consumption for purists who are looking for raw flavours, a natural taste, strong aromas and preserved active ingredients to enjoy the many health benefits of natural CBD. Let's remember that CBD is neither psychotropic nor addictive, as explained by the WHO scientific committee's opinion as well as the French legislator.

What is Greenhouse CBD flower?

Advances in environmentally controlled agriculture have greatly impacted the way our food is grown, most often with improved crop yields and more competitive prices. The greenhouse method, or Greenhouse (sometimes spelled Green House), is part of this dynamic. This method involves growing plants in a structure with walls and a roof constructed of transparent material.

The idea of Greenhouse farming is to protect crops from low temperatures, as the sun-exposed greenhouse presents a warmer environment than the outside and thus protects the plants from the cold with optimal growth. Thus, Greenhouse agriculture allows plants to be grown in quantity and all year round, regardless of weather conditions.

The Greenhouse CBD flower is therefore derived from the Cannabis L. Sativa plant, a variety of hemp rich in CBD and low in THC, grown in a greenhouse. It should be remembered that in UK, only CBD products with an almost zero THC content (less than 0.3%) are authorised. The Greenhouse growing method is therefore halfway between Indoor and Outdoor:

  • Outdoor CBD cultivation: this is the oldest, cheapest and most widely used method of growing hemp (variety Cannabis L. Sativa). The plants are grown in the sun, in the open air, and their growth is conditioned by the environment (soil quality, water, temperature, humidity, etc.).
  • CBD Indoor: this is a recent cultivation method that consists of growing certain varieties of hemp indoors with artificial light, air conditioning and ventilation, etc. This method allows for optimised production, as the farmer controls all the variables that impact the growth of the plants.
  • Greenhouse CBD cultivation: this is an intermediate method between Outdoor and Indoor, as the plant is grown in the sun but is protected in a greenhouse (or Greenhouse). It is therefore a good compromise between the sometimes uneven quality of outdoor-grown CBD products on the one hand, and the high price or volatile and/or low-quantity stock of indoor-grown CBD flowers.

What are the benefits of Greenhouse CBD flower?

The Greenhouse CBD flower combines the benefits of both Indoor and Outdoor cultivation:

  • As with indoor cultivation, Greenhouse-grown CBD flower comes from a production that is protected from the weather and climatic hazards;
  • Although isolated from the climate and sun by the greenhouse which creates an indoor microclimate, the Greenhouse crop is nonetheless rooted in its environment, as the product is grown in the ground, giving it the raw flavours and organic aromas highly sought after by CBD flower enthusiasts;
  • Cannabis plants obtained through the Green House method are generally of good quality, with a good concentration of CBD and almost no THC. The shape of the hemp flowers is quite flattering, with a nice bright colour, unlike some flowers from outdoor cultivation;
  • As the Green House growing method is less restrictive than indoor growing, the stock is regularly replenished. Consumers can indeed enjoy beautiful Greenhouse CBD flowers all year round with a wide choice in varieties and flavours;
  • Finally, Green House CBD flowers are grown in a more environmentally friendly manner compared to the Indoor method.

Is Greenhouse CBD flower legal in UK?

As with all CBD products, cannabidiol flower grown in the Greenhouse method is regulated by the European decree n°639 - 2014. In UK, only CBD products with a THC content of less than 0.3% are authorised. This guarantees the absence of any psychotropic effect. Our range of Greenhouse CBD flowers is obviously in accordance with French and European standards. You can therefore make your choice from our stock of Greenhouse CBD flowers with complete peace of mind!

The Greenhouse CBD flowers are available in a wide range of colours and shapes.

Your premium quality Greenhouse CBD flowers at 321CBD!

Amnesia, Lemon Haze, Kush, Purple Haze... the best CBD Greenhouse flowers are at 321CBD! Our range of Greenhouse-grown CBD leaves and flowers are rigorously selected from the best producers in UK, Switzerland and Italy. Enjoy the clean taste, raw flavours and characterful aromas of a product bursting with goodness and pampered by nature.

Are you not necessarily introduced to Greenhouse CBD flowers? Here are some of the must-have products you'll find in our stock, with packaging ranging from 5 to 20 grams:

  • White Fire OG CBD Flower (5 to 20 grams): a cross between The White and Fire OG hemp strains, this Greenhouse variety is bursting with CBD. You will enjoy its pungent aromas and earthy flavours with a woody and sweet note. CBD content: 18.7%.
  • CBD Truth Flower (5-20 grams): this Greenhouse-grown cannabis strain is a predominantly Indica hybrid. Its raw aromas with fruity notes make it a gourmet pleasure for the taste buds. CBD content: 15.4%.
  • Orange Turbo CBD Flower (5 to 20 grams): this variety with airy flavours and sweet notes is a cross between Turbo Diesel and Orange Creamsicle strain. CBD content: 11.5%.
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