Buy CBD to sleep

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Are your nights punctuated by unwanted awakenings? Your quality of life is impacted by recurring insomnia? Our CBD products promote a quick sleep and help you to find the arms of Morpheus for a healthy and restful sleep, naturally. 321CBD delivers for free everywhere in France, with no minimum purchase!

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Buying CBD for a good night's sleep

Do you suffer from insomnia, untimely awakenings in the middle of the night? Are you already yawning at noon, while your professional afternoons demand top cognitive functions from you? You are not the only one ! In France, the lack of sleep caused by insomnia and other disorders represents a real public health problem.

According to the latest Sleep Barometer from Public Health France, the French have never slept so little (and so badly). The average night is now just 6 hours and 32 minutes, between 28 and 88 minutes less than the recommendations of health professionals.

And that's where CBD products come in. Goal: To help you get back to healthy, restful sleep naturally, without side effects or mind-altering effects.

How? By interacting with the "CB1" and "CB2" receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CBD and the good cannabinoids (CBN and CBG in particular) express pain-relieving, anti-aging effects. -inflammatory and soothing.

In short, CBD helps you relieve pain, regulate the inflammatory response, and reduce stress that keeps you up at night. Two landmark scientific studies have demonstrated the positive impact of CBD for sleep:

  • This study evaluated the potential of CBD in 103 adult patients with insomnia and other sleep disorders. Result: CBD lowered stress and anxiety scores in 79.2% of patients. Consequently, the sleep score improved in 66.7% of patients. “All signals point to calming effects of CBD on the central nervous system,” reads the study report.
  • This other study has shown that products containing CBD can help patients with sleep disorders by reducing the frequency of insomnia, relieving REM sleep disorders such as verbalization and spasms and limiting sleepiness-related disorders diurnal or hypersomnia.

Buying CBD oil: how many drops to sleep like a baby?

Do you suffer from recurring sleep issues that affect your quality of life? CBD oil is a natural ally that promotes rapid falling asleep and regular sleep.

Our online store offers you a wide range of premium quality CBD oils at the best price, packaged in discreet and practical bottles to supplement you with CBD at any time of the day.

The dosage depends on the CBD level of your cannabidiol oil, but also on your weight, the severity of your problems and/or sleep disorders and the sensitivity of your endocannabinoid system.

Once you find the right dosage, you will find peaceful and invigorating nights, for ultra-productive days! For 10% CBD oil:

  • Mild sleep disturbances: 0.25 mg per kilogram of weight, or half a drop per ten kilograms of body weight. Example: A 70 kg person will need to self-administer 3-4 drops of CBD oil for a good night's sleep;
  • Moderate sleep disturbances: 0.50 mg per kilogram of weight, i.e. one drop per ten kilograms of weight. Example: A 70 kg person will need to self-administer 7 drops of CBD oil to return to healthy, restful sleep.
  • If your insomnia is caused by pain, especially muscle or joint pain, stay on the dosage of moderate sleep disturbances.

Double this dosage for a 5% CBD oil, and halve the dosage for a 20% CBD oil.

How to consume your CBD product to sleep better?

CBD products can be consumed in different ways. The flowers and leaves can be inhaled or heated in hot liquid to produce an infusion or herbal tea.

CBD oils can be applied topically or consumed orally or sublingually. CBD crumbles can be crumbled and sprinkled into everyday dishes etc. But not all modes of consumption are created equal.

Beyond individual preferences and practicality criteria (it is easier to consume CBD sweets than to prepare an infusion), it is sublingual consumption that remains the most effective.

Let us explain: the mucous membrane under your tongue is particularly thin. By holding a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue for a few seconds, the product enters the bloodstream directly, bypassing the digestive system and liver passage which dilute its effects.

Consuming CBD sublingually means finding the arms of Morpheus in a few minutes!

Buying CBD for sleep: is cannabidiol legal?

In France, products that contain CBD (and other cannabinoids) are governed by European Decree No. 639 – 2014. Only CBD products with a THC level of less than 0.2% can be freely marketed in France. For the legislator, this almost zero THC level is the guarantee of the absence of any psychotropic (or hovering) effect.

CBD: better sleep, but not only!

Relieve stress and anxiety, calm REM sleep disorders, promote rapid falling asleep, relieve chronic pain… more than just a “wellness” molecule, cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural concentrate of benefits for the body and for the mind which has already won over 7 million consumers in France!

To take advantage of the many virtues of CBD and cannabinoids (CBG, CBN and CBC), 321CBD gives you the embarrassment of choice, with essential products and others more playful:

  • CBD leaves and flowers, a "historic" format that will allow you to concoct an infusion or a cannabidiol herbal tea in particular;
  • CBD Oil, a versatile liquid format to be consumed orally, applied topically or in sublingual (drops of CBD oil under the tongue). You have the choice between broad or full spectrum CBD oils (cannabidiol and other cannabinoids like CBG, CBN and CBC) and "CBD isolate" type oils. CBD oils can be packaged in capsules;
  • Resin, or natural CBD hash. It is the very essence of the hemp plant, with a nice content of terpenes and flavonoids. CBD resin comes in the form of a gold-colored liquid with a viscous texture. It thickens in cool weather and melts golden butter when heated;
  • Cannabidiol crystals, lozenges and crumbles. These products are especially acclaimed by CBD purists for their exceptional purity (99%) and their enhanced benefits for the body and mind;
  • More playful and gourmet products such as sweets, energy drinks, chocolate or cookies with CBD and cannabinoids.
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