CBD oil 30 %

We offer you 15 products CBD oil 30 %

Along with the flowers, CBD oil is probably the most requested hemp product on our online store, and for good reason! This delicate liquid, extracted from the cannabis plant, is a true elixir of well-being that brings you soothing virtues, analgesic benefits and anti-inflammatory action, without any psychotropic effect.

With concentrations ranging from 5 to over 40%, our range of CBD oils is wide enough to suit all consumer profiles, from beginners to the most experienced. At 30%, we are on a CBD oil rather concentrated, powerful and thought to relieve moderate to severe insomnia, chronic pain and recalcitrant stress. It is thus an excellent option for those which wish to pass to the higher speed after having made their ranges on oil of CBD to 20 %.

En savoir plus

CBD oil 30%: what's the point?

With this type of concentration, we are clearly in the territory of the serious hemp fighters. You have several months, even several years of experience with legal cannabis, whether with the L. Sativa or Indica variety, and you control the reaction of your organism, and more precisely of your endocannabinoid system (ECS) to different dosages cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabinoids in general.

Overall, CBD Oil 30% (or 3000mg) is for consumers who:

  • Have a good proven experience with CBD products. We only learn the pleasures and virtues of legal hemp with a 30% CBD oil. You must have started with an oil at 10 or 15% to then climb the ladder. This principle of progressiveness in the dosage is a key factor for all those who want CBD to be a flagship ingredient of their physical and mental well-being on a daily basis and in complete serenity;
  • Seek fast relief, especially when the pain is intense, when episodes of insomnia become more frequent or when stress and anxiety complicate your daily life;
  • Prefer less frequent use. With a fairly substantial concentration, 30% CBD oil can be used less frequently, with relatively spaced intakes. Convenient for those who lead a very active life and who do not have time to ask themselves several times a day to administer a few drops of CBD oil 3000 mg under the tongue or as a seasoning for their daily dishes;
  • Love the organic flavors and raw notes of the hemp plant. Ultra-concentrated CBD oils, at 30% or 40%, are indeed tastier, with a rustic organoleptic profile and a lot of character. Purists will appreciate it as a seasoning, for example.

CBD oil 30% and sleep: an interesting option to find the arms of Morpheus

Sleep disorders are deeply rooted in our Western societies… and it is not the figures from the sleep barometer of Santé Publique France that will contradict this assertion. The French have never slept so little and so badly, with nights lasting less than 6h32 minutes on average. Over time, lack of sleep increases the risk of developing chronic conditions such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes, not to mention the short-term impact with chronic fatigue, nervousness, irritability and deleterious effects on cognitive faculties.

Concentrated at 30%, CBD oil is powerful enough to act on the endocannabinoid system to help you overcome insomnia but also certain REM sleep disorders such as nocturnal verbalization, muscle spasms and untimely awakenings.

Our online store also offers you CBD oils specially designed to help you accelerate the sleep phase and promote healthy and restorative sleep, with full nights and a productive tomorrow. Two mechanisms come into play to relieve you:

  • With its soothing and relaxing properties, CBD equips your body to neutralize stress and anxiety, which remain the two main causes of sleep disorders;
  • 30% CBD Oil also harnesses its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties to relieve acute and chronic pain that can keep you from falling asleep and/or staying asleep through the night.

30% CBD oil and pain: how does it work?

Along with sleep and stress, pain relief is among the top 3 motivations that lead our consumers to stock up on CBD Oil 30% or 3000mg. With its high concentration, this oil acts quickly and has a long-lasting effect to relieve several types of pain:

  1. Inflammatory pain associated with pathologies such as arthritis and tendonitis or pain resulting from sports or mobility injuries. CBD Oil 30% works by targeting receptors in the endocannabinoid system, reducing inflammation and providing long-lasting relief;
  2. Neuropathy pain: People with neuropathic pain, such as those caused by fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis or diabetic neuropathy, can also benefit from CBD Oil 30% . By modulating the activity of the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CBD reduces the sensation of pain and improves the quality of life of people affected by these conditions. Ask your doctor for advice;
  3. Managing stress and anxiety: Although not directly related to physical pain, stress and anxiety can worsen the perception of pain and exacerbate it over time. 30% CBD oil can do just that to give you relief.

The 30% CBD oil will also be very useful for you to relieve other more common pains such as headaches, migraines, menstrual pain, cramps, etc.

30% Full Spectrum CBD Oil: In Search of the “Entourage” Effect

CBD oil 30% full spectrum is a popular option among connoisseurs. Unlike CBD isolates which only contain cannabidiol, full spectrum CBD oil is extracted from the whole cannabis plant, thus preserving the full range of cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, CBN, CBC…), terpenes, flavonoids and others beneficial compounds, with the exception of THC which is only present in trace amounts, in accordance with the regulations in force in France. These elements interact with each other to create synergy. This is called the "entourage effect". Clearly, the effects felt are tenfold compared to the consumption of CBD only.

Opting for full spectrum 30% (3,000 mg) CBD oil on our online store unlocks the following three benefits:

  1. Increased effectiveness: thanks to the interaction between the different cannabinoids and terpenes, the "entourage effect" brings you a tenfold effectiveness for the relief of pain, the reduction of inflammation, stress management and improved sleep quality;
  2. Full Cannabinoid Profile: 30% Full Spectrum CBD Oil contains not only CBD, but also other cannabinoids like cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabichromene (CBC). These cannabinoids unfold their own properties that can complement those of CBD;
  3. Exceptional organoleptic profile: the terpenes and flavonoids present in 30% full spectrum CBD oil give it an exceptional aromatic and taste profile. Terpenes are aromatic compounds responsible for the distinct smell and taste of the cannabis plant, while flavonoids are natural antioxidants. Together, these elements contribute to the "entourage effect" and provide a unique sensory experience that will appeal to purists.

CBD oil 30% (3000 mg): our consumption advice

Our first advice is to start with a reduced dosage, even if you are an experienced user coming from a concentration of 20 or 25%. Each person reacts differently to different product concentrations. Gradually increase the dose every 48 to 72 hours if the expected effects are not there.

Next, consider the time of the shot. CBD oil 30% can help you relax and relieve stress and anxiety, but it can also cause some people to feel drowsy. It is therefore best to try it in the evening or before bedtime to avoid any unwanted daytime sleepiness, especially if you have a job that requires you to be very attentive (operating machinery, driving, etc.).

For optimal absorption and fast action, opt for sublingual consumption. Simply place a few drops of CBD oil under your tongue and hold for 60-90 seconds before swallowing. This method allows CBD and other active molecules in the oil to enter the bloodstream directly and work faster, avoiding the gastric and hepatic passages that can dilute the effects.

Finally, we strongly advise you to keep a small diary to better monitor your progress and adjust your dosage accordingly. This can be a table where you will note the dose, the time of intake, the effects felt and the duration of these effects. You will be able to better manage your consumption, identify the minimum effective dose and understand how your body reacts to CBD.

How much CBD oil 30% (3000mg)?

Here is a table that summarizes the recommended doses according to the weight of the consumer and his objective. These tips don't excuse you from starting small and adjusting the dosage based on your body's reaction to CBD Oil 30% (3000mg). Do not hesitate to consult our product sheets as well as the manufacturer's recommendations.

Person's weight

Better sleep

Relieve pain

Soothing stress and anxiety

Less than 50 kg

3 - 4 drops

2 - 3 drops

2 - 3 drops

50kg - 70kg

4 - 5 drops

3 - 4 drops

3 - 4 drops

70kg - 90kg

5 - 6 drops

4 - 5 drops

4 - 5 drops

Over 90 kg

6 - 7 drops

5 - 6 drops

5 - 6 drops

Review on CBD oil 30%

As you will see by browsing the "reviews" area of our product sheets, our customers are largely satisfied with the quality and effectiveness of the 30% (3000 mg) CBD oils that we offer. It must be said that they come from the best hemp crops in France, Switzerland and Italy, and that they have undergone independent laboratory controls attesting to their quality and compliance with the regulations in force.

Customers cite increased effectiveness in relieving pain, improving sleep and reducing stress and anxiety, a lifted taste carried by the raw and organic notes of hemp, a concentration high enough to space out doses and save the product, etc.

If you want lighter effects, opt for CBD-oil 10% or the 20% CBD oil. On the contrary, for more intense effects, opt for 40% CBD oil

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