cultiver cbd france (1)

Can you grow CBD at home in France?

This is a legitimate question for two reasons. First, CBD has largely found its audience in France, and the temptation of DIY is strong among budding gardeners, purists and consumers who wish to save money. Then the CBD is extracted from hemp, a plant that also gives rise to cannabis. The pitfalls are numerous, missteps are possible and the risks are extremely serious. Can you grow CBD at home in France? Answer elements…

Cannabis L. Sativa, the plant that gives (good) CBD!

Cannabis L. Sativa, also known as cultivated hemp, is a herbaceous flowering plant native to East Asia, but now distributed worldwide due to its cultivation in large scale for several centuries.

Each part of the plant is harvested differently and is used separately. Contrary to what one might think, the Cannabis L. Sativa plant is not exclusively cultivated to produce THC or CBD. It is a very common industrial intron that is found in tens of thousands of commercial products, from paper to ropes, building materials (insulating properties), textiles, biofuels, etc.

It was only in 2018 that the three subspecies of the Cannabis L. Sativa plant were identified following extensive genetic analyses:

  • Industrial hemp which, as its name suggests, is widely used in manufacturing and industrial (cosmetics, textiles, construction, etc.). It is also the subspecies that gives the cannabidiol marketed in France and, more widely, in the West because its THC concentration is very low, even almost zero, which guarantees the absence of any psychotropic and/or addictive effect. ;
  • Indian hemp, an illicit subspecies from which cannabis is extracted. Known for its psychotropic (or high) and addictive effects, Indian hemp is the subject of scientific studies to assess its therapeutic potential, particularly in the treatment of certain chronic diseases such as Parkinson's and multiple sclerosis;
  • Wild hemp, less psychotropic than Indian hemp (around 0.5 % THC).

cultiver cbd france

It's a fact: cannabidiol has largely found its audience in France. According to figures from the Hemp Trades Interprofession (Interchanvre), nearly 7 million French people occasionally or regularly consume products containing CBD to improve the quality of their sleep, reduce stress and anxiety or simply relax. Faced with this enthusiasm, the number of stores offering CBD products has multiplied by six in two years, from 400 in 2020 to more than 2,500 in 2022.

Inevitably, the question of "Do It Yourself" (DIY) begins to arise, and purists wonder if they can grow their own CBD while remaining legal. The answer is…complex. We explain.

The French can grow industrial hemp (plant Cannabis L. Sativa in particular) within the framework of a declared hemp cultivation operation or on a private basis, provided that they scrupulously respect the law in force and keep a rigorous watch on legislative developments. The two decrees governing the cultivation of cannabidiol in France set out three main conditions to be respected:

  1. The harvest is where it all comes down. Indeed, the legislator only authorizes the use of the seeds and fibers of the industrial hemp plant. The cannabis flower must therefore be left in the fields or be subject to a standardized and supervised destruction procedure. The farmer must compulsorily prove the destruction of the cannabis flower if it is not present in his hemp cultivation field.
  2. European regulations stipulate that the cannabis plant cultivated with the aim of extracting cannabidiol must not reach the < strong>0.3% THC, up from 0.2% a few years ago. At the time of writing these lines, France has not yet aligned itself with the increase in the THC ceiling. This is why it is imperative that you remain within a limit below 0.2% until further notice.
  • Only certain varieties of hemp are authorized in France. Within legal species, two sub-categories must be distinguished: varieties of hemp which can be cultivated but which cannot be multiplied (the seed and plant interprofession, SEMAE, offers an exhaustive list here) and the varieties of hemp that can be propagated and marketed at harvest (Legifrance has listed them here).

Extremely careful consideration should be exercised, as any violation of applicable law may tip the offender to a charge such as drug trafficking. As such, the penalties can be very heavy, with a fine of up to 7.5 million euros and a prison term of up to 30 years.

We warmly advise you to contact your municipality to inquire about the legality of the cultivation of CBD on a private basis and possibly present the necessary guarantees.

cbd culture chez soi

How to grow CBD at home?

You will be able to grow your CBD plants quite easily:

  • Prepare the planting holes (50 x 50 x 50 cm);
  • Fill them with a mixture of equal parts potting soil and soil from the dug hole;
  • spread fertilizer on the surface and germinate your seeds by the windowsill;
  • After the frosts, prepare the soil in your garden to welcome the hemp plant and add organic fertilizer;
  • Hemp will mature in early fall.
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Pelin YILDIZ, autrice psycho et voyage
Publié par : Pelin, autrice psychologie, santé et voyage
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