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CBD oil to last in bed: instructions for use!

The hemp plant has yet to reveal all its secrets! With its soothing, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychotropic molecule extracted from cannabis, can improve the sex lives of men who suffer from erectile dysfunction and/or premature ejaculation, whether these problems are caused by psychological issues (stress, sexual performance anxiety) or physiological ones (pelvic hypersensitivity, inflammation...). We take stock!

Study: the French have never had so many breakdowns in bed

There have never been so many French men reporting breakdowns in bed. This is all that emerges from an unprecedented survey carried out by Ifop for the magazine We learn in particular that 61% of men admit to having had repeated erectile dysfunction during their life… a proportion which has increased by 17 points compared to 2005.

Still according to the same study, two out of two French men develop a “complex” because of their sexual breakdowns, including what we call “anxiety of sexual performance”…to the point of giving false excuses to avoid having sex. Around 78% mention physical fatigue, 63% stress and 47% excess food or alcohol.

What is sexual performance anxiety?

Sexual performance anxiety refers to a persistent concern or worry about one's ability to satisfy one's partner or to "perform" sexually in a way that oneself will find satisfactory or the other person. This disorder affects both men and women, regardless of age. It manifests itself as an intense fear of failure or judgment during sexual activity, and therefore fuels erectile dysfunction in men and lubrication problems in women.

On a psychological level, sexual performance anxiety can lead to lower self-esteem and emotional distress. It can also lead to avoidance of sex and decreased interest in sex.

Sexual performance anxiety is generally fueled by previous negative sexual experiences, chronic stress or excessive consumption of pornography which can distort the perception of sexual intercourse.

CBD oil to overcome sexual performance anxiety

CBD oil is one of the possible solutions to overcome sexual performance anxiety for several reasons:

  • Cannabidiol is a molecule found naturally in the hemp plant;

  • Unlike THC, CBD has no psychoactive effect and is very well tolerated by the body;

  • The virtues of CBD make it an interesting remedy to combat stress, anxiety, certain mood disorders, but also pain of low to moderate intensity as well as inflammations.

Several physiological functions are governed by the endocannabinoid system (ECS). We talk in particular about mood, sleep, appetite and the sensation of pain. CBD interacts with this system by modulating cannabinoid receptors type 1 and 2 (“CB1” and “CB2”), which helps to relieve stress and reduce anxiety. You are calmer, more composed and more serene, which promotes a more satisfying and longer-lasting erection.

CBD also acts on serotonin receptors, a neurotransmitter that influences mood and “social behavior.” By modulating these receptors, CBD oil improves mood, which in turn will reduce the anxiety and stress felt and promote satisfactory sexual intercourse.

Finally note that CBD oil seems to promote better blood circulation, which could improve erectile function in men and vaginal lubrication in women. woman.

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CBD oil to delay ejaculation in men

Approximately 71% of French men report at least one case of premature ejaculation each year, and 65% admit that they have this problem several times a year.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a common sexual disorder in men that is characterized by three elements:

  1. Ejaculation which always (or almost always) occurs before or within a minute of vaginal penetration (from the first penetrations);

  2. The inability to delay ejaculation during all or almost all vaginal penetrations;

  3. A feeling of frustration, emotional distress and/or avoidance of sexual intimacy to avoid ejaculating too quickly.

At this level, we must distinguish between primary and secondary premature ejaculation:

  • Primary premature ejaculation (PPE) is a sexual disorder present from the beginning of the individual's sexual activity;

  • Secondary premature ejaculation (PSE) refers to the disorder that develops after a period of sexual activity without ejaculatory problems.

CBD oil to counter the psychological causes of premature ejaculation

In the overwhelming majority of cases, premature ejaculation is the result of psychological problems. Several causes can be mentioned:

  1. Anxiety, including sexual performance anxiety, a common cause of premature ejaculation. The fear of not being able to satisfy your partner can increase stress and accelerate ejaculation;

  2. Difficulties in the couple's relationship, such as lack of communication or trust, can also contribute to this problem;

  3. Early sexual experiences, for example in situations where rapid ejaculation is sought, or even rapid masturbation habits , can condition the body to ejaculate prematurely;

  4. Chronic and generalized stress, whether work-related or not, can also affect sexual performance.

From the psychological causes, the benefit of CBD oil for lasting in bed is obvious. As explained above, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system to express soothing and relaxing properties, which allows you to approach sexual intercourse more calmly and with a better state of mind. By being more serene, the man can better control his ejaculation and create a virtuous circle.

CBD oil against certain physiological causes of premature ejaculation

Men who suffer from premature ejaculation may have physiological problems, for example an imbalance in sex hormones or certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin. Let's also mention neurological disorders that affect the nervous control of the ejaculatory response, although this is rarer. Some scientific studies suggest a genetic predisposition to premature ejaculation in some men, for example with high pelvic sensitivity.

Finally note that certain (bad) lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse can affect the ability to last in bed.

At this level, CBD oil can play three important roles:

  • Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects, CBD oil can reduce inflammation in the pelvic region, particularly in the prostate and seminal vesicles. Reducing the inflammatory response may limit hyperactivity or hypersensitivity of these organs and potentially delay ejaculation;

  • In some men, the pain-relieving effect of CBD oil will modulate sensory perception and reduce sensitivity to stimulation, thus allowing them to last in bed;

  • Finally, CBD oil will naturally act against the stress and anxiety that arise from premature ejaculation disorder.

How to consume CBD oil to last in bed?

Start with a small dose of 5 mg of CBD if you are a novice in order to assess your body's reaction. If you do not feel any side effects but the effectiveness is not there, increase the dose by 5 mg with each dose until you find the best compromise between the benefits and mild side effects, without never exceed 70 mg per day.

Consume CBD oil about an hour before sexual activity to allow time for the CBD to act, taking into account the speed of metabolization and absorption by your body. To speed things up, apply the CBD oil under your tongue and hold the liquid for 60 to 90 seconds before swallowing. This method allows CBD to quickly enter the bloodstream via the capillaries under the tongue.

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Publié par : Reda
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