CBD, or legal hemp without psychotropic effects
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a molecule found naturally in the cannabis plant. Rest assured: it is perfectly legal and does not cause an intoxicating effect. His interest ? It interacts with our endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is a network of receptors and neurotransmitters scattered throughout the body.
This system regulates several physiological functions such as the immune response, appetite, sleep, mood and the sensation of pain. Consuming CBD therefore gives the endocannabinoid system ammunition to carry out its mission. But what does this have to do with flu symptoms?
The anti-inflammatory virtues of CBD
CBD is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory. It can therefore attenuate our body's exaggerated inflammatory response to the flu virus, particularly in the respiratory tract.
Clearly, CBD will allow you to reduce the severity of these debilitating symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches and (especially) muscle and joint pain that are making your life difficult .
The analgesic effects of CBD
By interacting with the “CB 1” and “CB 2” receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CBD modulates the sensation of pain, particularly in the muscles and joints. Concretely, this molecule will help you soothe body pain of mild to moderate intensity as well as the migraines that generally accompany the flu, especially during the first three days.
CBD limits the intensity of fever
CBD exerts an antipyretic (fever reduction) effect by influencing cytokines, the famous signaling proteins involved in the regulation of body temperature. Through this modulation, CBD limits the rise of the thermometer without harming the immune response.
CBD against stress
The flu prevents you from working... and stress sets in because office deadlines don't change. You will have to breathe and give time. And that’s exactly what CBD will allow you to do. Its soothing and relaxing properties will help you let go during convalescence. Your sleep will be less fitful and your nights a little more restful.