cannabis médical france

Medical cannabis in France: back for another 5 years, thanks to 49.3!

On October 23, the French National Assembly pulled out all the stops, passing the legalization of medical cannabis as part of the Social Security Financing Bill for 2024.

And thanks to the famous 49.3 of the Constitution, the temporary status of medical cannabis has been extended by 5 years... renewable. A precaution that some consider pointless, given the proven track record of medical cannabis in Europe. Here's how...

Expansion of the therapeutic cannabis trial

Initiated on March 26, 2021 for a period of two years, the experiment supervised by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) was extended in 2023, under the leadership of Doctor François Braun, then Minister of Health.

This first trial, which benefited more than 3,000 patients, explored the effectiveness of cannabis in the treatment and management of the following pathologies and disorders:

  • neuropathic pain refractory to usual treatment;
  • certain forms of epilepsy resistant to drugs;
  • persistent oncological symptoms;
  • palliative care;
  • painful spasticity linked to multiple sclerosis or other central nervous system conditions.

Initially, this pilot project was to end in March 2024, but now the use of 49.3 decides otherwise... As a reminder, the measure was ratified following the invocation of the said article, and the subsequent rejection of the motion of censorship.

Access to medical cannabis strictly controlled in France

On October 10, an appeal launched via a press forum recalled the absence of an amendment favorable to therapeutic cannabis in the social security financing bill. Aurélien Rousseau, new Minister of Health, then committed to rectifying the situation. Promise kept.

While awaiting the green light from the European authorities for official and definitive marketing, an amendment was adopted for a temporary status of 5 years, potentially renewable, for cannabis-based medicines.

As during the experimental phase, access to medical cannabis will be strictly controlled, authorized only as a last resort, on initial hospital indication, and integrated into a specific patient pathway within dedicated care channels.

What about financial coverage for cannabis medications?

The question of financial coverage for these treatments is deferred, pending an evaluation by the High Authority of Health (HAS). If the HAS decides favorably, the prices will be set by ministerial decree based on European standards, and must be below those of products containing cannabis already authorized on the market.

In the event of an unfavorable opinion from the HAS, these products will not benefit from any reimbursement from public funds.

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