coherence cardiaque

The technique of cardiac coherence coupled with CBD: your heart will thank you...

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is said to have an anti-arrhythmic effect, stabilizing the heartbeat. Coupled with cardiac coherence, a stress management technique, this cannabinoid thus contributes to cardiovascular health and improves your general state of health. Here's how it works...

What is cardiac coherence?

Cardiac coherence is a method of managing stress and anxiety based on breathing.

Concretely, cardiac coherence consists of breathing at a precise frequency, generally around five breaths per minute (which corresponds to one inhalation and one exhalation every six seconds). We seek here to optimize heart rate variability (HRV, which measures the variations in time between consecutive beats of the heart.

Cardiac coherence therefore makes it possible to balance the sympathetic nervous systems (which stimulates the body's responses to stress) and parasympathetic (which regulates resting functions). Practiced regularly, it improves stress management, reduces anxiety, maximizes concentration and strengthens emotional resilience. 

This technique is accessible to everyone and can be practiced using applications or tracking devices that guide breathing and allow you to view your heart rate in real time.

Combining CBD and cardiac coherence: instructions for use

Praised by the French for its anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory properties, CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system (SEC) which regulates a certain number of physiological functions, including stress and anxiety. The molecule is neither psychotropic nor addictive, and it is very well tolerated by the body. 

At the same time, cardiac coherence synchronizes breathing and heart rate to stabilize heart rate variability (HRV). 

Here's how to integrate cardiac coherence and CBD into your daily life:

  1. Choose the right CBD product: opt for a product tested by an independent laboratory to confirm the concentration of CBD, the virtual absence of THC (less than 0.3%) and the absence of contaminants (pesticides, heavy metals, etc.).
  2. Adequate dosage: Start with a low dose of CBD, usually between 10 to 20 mg, to observe how your body reacts. Gradually adjust the dosage according to your needs and tolerance.
  3. Timing of taking CBD: take the CBD approximately 30 to 60 minutes before starting your cardiac coherence session. It may be interesting to opt for CBD oil to consume sublingually for more effects. fast;
  4. Breathing technique: limit yourself to the classic method of cardiac coherence to start. Breathe deeply for 5 seconds, then exhale slowly for 5 seconds, and repeat this cycle for 5 minutes. The CBD will then stabilize your breathing rate and intensify the relaxing effect;
  5. Repetition and regularity: for optimal results, combine CBD and cardiac consistency daily. This regularity reinforces the beneficial effects on stress management and cardiovascular health.
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Publié par : Reda
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