Is driving on CBD dangerous?

CBD consumption is now legal in France. Despite this legalization, the legislation governing it remains unclear.

This nebulous framework leads consumers to wonder whether, despite its therapeutic effect, it is possible to drive after consuming CBD.

CBD Flowers

Driving after CBD consumption is a road safety hazard. Indeed, CBD can cause drowsiness and dizziness. In addition, a police control by saliva test will detect traces and will be positive.

We therefore advise against driving under CBD, so as not to expose yourself to a screening test which would result in an offence.

Can we drive after consuming CBD?

If CBD is at first sight harmless and causes a feeling of appeasement, it still has some side effects that must be taken into account. Indeed, cannabidiol acts on the brain by increasing the levels of GABA and anandamide.

These substances present in our skulls act on the mental state by causing a rapid and powerful relaxation.

Of course, these effects are mild and pleasant, but they can cause mood swings, fatigue and dizziness.

This is why we prefer to dissuade you from driving after consuming CBD, to avoid any fines or problems with the public prosecutor.

It is better not to expose yourself and others to risks on the road. Protect yourself and don't drive under the influence of cannabidiol, however small.

Nevertheless, if you want to take the road, favor low doses of CBD so as not to find yourself involved in an accident, which in the eyes of the law would have the flavor of a crime. Thenews about cannabis and CBD is full of stories about drivers who have consumed it before driving.

test depistage cbd police

How long can you drive after consuming CBD?

Generally speaking, the minute traces of THC present in CBD (0.2%) tend to disappear after about 6 hours. This is the minimum time you should wait before driving.

Therefore, if you work during the day, and you have to drive to work, it is advisable to wait until the evening to start consuming therapeutic cannabis.

In itself, CBD consumption does not represent an extreme danger for driving. But if you react badly to it, and notice side effects, then it is better to avoid driving.

In addition, the French repressive laws may condemn you for the slightest level of THC in the body, and you have a probability of exposing yourself to some problems with the law.

The effects of CBD on the body and mind

CBD deploys a wide range of beneficial results for the body and mind. It fights carcinogenic cells, acts as a support for certain pains or allows you to reduce your smoking or even stop smoking completely.

Even if many studies are still being carried out, there is no longer any doubt that cannabidiol is a promising molecule, and some patients suffering from anxiety or diseases such as Parkinson's already use it as an ally against their pathology.

Although it is quite controversial in the eyes of the French authorities, CBD is emerging as a real ally of the human being, which will relieve various cases of more or less benign pathologies.

In the balance, it is clear that the positive effects take largely the top, compared to the negative side effects that remain bearable.

The side effects of cannabidiol

Like all molecules, cannabidiol has its side effects, although they are not alarming, it is always advisable to be aware of them when consuming it. Here they are:

  • CBD can cause a drop in blood pressure when taking a large dose of CBD oil;
  • It also causes nausea;
  • If you experience a drop in blood pressure when consuming cannabidiol, you may feel dizzy and lightheaded;
  • Ingesting CBD sometimes causes a dry mouth sensation. This is caused by the activation of endocannabinoid receptors which causes saliva production to stop. It is uncomfortable, but without consequences
  • Some people suffer from drowsiness or insomnia when using this molecule.

What the law says about CBD consumption:

The law allows the consumption of products containing CBD on the condition that the ingredients do not exceed a THC level of 0.20%.

This regulation is strict and it concerns the content and not the finished product, so be careful not to be fooled!

This hemp derivative can be sold, bought and consumed legally as long as you take care to check the source and the list of ingredients.

In addition, smoking CBD flower remains prohibited.

Understanding what CBD is and how it differs from THC

CBD, whose full name is cannabidiol, is a molecule from plants classified in the cannabinaceae family. These cannabinoid plants include different varieties of hemp and cannabis, including Cannabis Sativa from which the CBD molecule is extracted.

Cannabis is well known for its psychotic effects and its famous classification as a drug. These harmful effects are caused by another molecule: tetrahydrocannabinol aka THC.

It is a powerful psychotropic drug, which is why it is considered a narcotic.

If CBD comes from the same plant, it does not cause the same consequences. Indeed, if the sulphurous reputation of its cousin THC overshadows it, it is good to note that cannabidiol is not a psychotropic, but rather a product rich in benefits.

It is found in cosmetics, e-liquids and dietary supplements in various forms. Its consumption, subject to certain conditions, is legal on French territory, while the consumption of THC remains severely punished by law.

Can CBD be transported by car?

The question is legitimate, especially when the car journey involves crossing a non-European border. Before going any further, we are talking here about transporting CBD products acquired legally, from an authorized wholesaler or reseller and in compliance with the regulations in force.

Are therefore excluded are CBD products whose THC concentration exceeds 0.2%, spoiled products or those from contraband. If your CBD product does not comply with these rules, it is not only transport by car that is prohibited. It is the actual possession of the product that is prohibited for obvious reasons. It should also be noted that professionals who transport large quantities of CBD must provide proof of all the usual documents relating to the transport of goods.

Transporting CBD by car in France and the EU

Let’s start with the transport of CBD by car in France and in the countries of the European Union. Since the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) rendered on November 19, 2020 in the "Kanavape" case, EU member states cannot prohibit the marketing and transport of legal CBD, it that is, less than 0.2% THC and derived from the Cannabis L. Sativa plant in its entirety.

Indeed, insofar as CBD with a very low THC dose is not considered a narcotic by the European legislator, its transport, including by car, falls within the framework of the free movement of goods. , a founding principle of the EU. In short, it is perfectly legal to transport CBD by car in France and in EU countries. However, here are some tips to avoid unpleasant surprises in the event of a police or customs check:

  • Wherever possible, keep your product sealed during transport by car;
  • Get a certificate from a CBD seller who gives you a certificate documenting, among other things, the THC level;< /li>
  • The transport of pure CBD leaves and flowers can sometimes be problematic due to the legal status of these products. Indeed, a ministerial decree had come to prohibit the marketing of these references on December 30, 2021, before being temporarily suspended by the Council of State in January 2022. The highest administrative court must still render a substantive judgment on the subject. Specifically, pure CBD leaves and flowers are legal until further notice. This is also the case for their transport by car. The question is, are all police and customs officers up to date on this? If in doubt, avoid transporting this type of product by car, especially in large quantities.

The special case of CBD medicines in France

In France, the Ministry of Health and Solidarity has launched a major experiment to assess the therapeutic potential of CBD and THC drugs. This study, still ongoing, allows some doctors to prescribe CBD and THC drugs and some pharmacists to market them. Several thousand patients are concerned, in particular those who suffer from neuropathies such as epilepsy, those who suffer from recalcitrant pain as part of oncological symptoms, multiple sclerosis, etc.

If you are one of these patients, you can transport your CBD and THC medicine by car provided you can provide proof of a medical prescription. We advise against transporting CBD medicines by car outside France for a simple reason: their THC concentration can exceed 0.2%, and the status of CBD medical is not clear in all EU countries.

Can CBD be transported by car outside the EU?

The legal subtleties require a personalized response, depending on the country of destination and the countries traveled during the journey. However, the risk is enormous. Our advice is therefore clear: avoid transporting CBD by car (or any other means of transport) when traveling to a country outside the European Union.

The presence of THC and the fact that the CBD comes from cannabis can very well make you fall under the law against drug trafficking, with most often very severe penalties which can go as far as death penalty as in Singapore, the Philippines or Saudi Arabia. Closer to home, Turkey punishes "drug" owners with life in prison, and CBD may fall into this category.

CBD flowers that we recommend for relaxation
Pelin YILDIZ, autrice psycho et voyage
Publié par : Pelin, autrice psychologie, santé et voyage
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