Chocolate CBD

CBD Brownie with Euporia nuts

A brownie with CBD and nuts

The Hash Brownie Cannabis & Walnut from Euphoria is a perfect product for people who want to enjoy a good breakfast, a snack or a gourmet dessert. Presented in a box of 10, this brownie with the taste of hemp plant and walnut will delight the taste buds of the most daring among you.

39,00 €
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It is important to understand the differences between THC and CBD levels when choosing cannabidiol products, as this can influence the experience you will have when consuming them. If you are looking for all the benefits of CBD, it is best to choose a product with a high CBD content. The higher the CBD content, the greater the benefits. All our CBD products contain less than 0.3% THC and are therefore legal in Europe.
Hash Brownie
Description CBD Brownie with Euporia nuts

Description of Hash Brownie Cannabis & Walnut Euphoria

If you want to discover new flavors and another way to enjoy the many virtues of CBD, this is the product for you. 🌿

According to European standards, these cookies do not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and do not provide any psychoactive effect. The Brownie Cannabis & Walnut is made from 100% hemp seeds and Sativa L cannabis flour. Without further ado, discover the virtues and benefits of Hash Brownie Cannabis & Walnut from the brand Euphoria ! 🌿

The effects of Hash Brownie Cannabis & Walnut Euphoria

The CBD (cannabidiol) molecule comes from the Sativa cannabis plant and has only therapeutic properties. CBD acts directly on the body's endocannabinoid system, allowing it to play a regulatory role. 💪 It naturally regulates appetite, sleep 💤 and mood, without ever affecting your cognitive faculties.

Like all other CBD products, Cannabis & Walnut Hash Brownie does not contain THC, the molecule responsible for the psychoactive effects of hemp. So you can fully enjoy the relaxing effects of cannabis without any constraints. 🌿

CBD promotes relaxation and brings an intense feeling of well-being. Additionally, CBD has the effect of boosting alertness during the day, keeping you active and motivated. Due to its mode of consumption, the effects last for several hours compared to a few minutes with inhalation methods of CBD. 💪

Benefits of Hash Brownie Cannabis & Walnut Euphoria

The Hash Brownie Cannabis & Walnut has many advantages. The main advantage is that it is a ready-to-use product. 🙌 You can consume it anytime and from anywhere because its consumption is not a problem whether you are in a public place or at work.

In addition, ingesting CBD provides effects that occur after a few hours (between 30 min and 2 hours) but last much longer. If you are naturally stressed and anxious, eating a CBD brownie will help you face your day more calmly and easily, while remaining dynamic, productive, and focused. 🍰

Aromatic power
Anti-anxiety effect
Relaxing effect
Muscle recovery


Hash Brownie
50 gr
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